;DSK:ERRMES.MAC;5 23-Jul-80 15:14:31, Edit by FRENCH ;added oprfx3 ;DSK:ERRMES.PEF;2 3-Jul-80 13:17:16, Edit by FRENCH ;ADDED RNMX13 ;DSK:ERRMES.pef;4 2-Jul-80 12:18:27, Edit by FRENCH ;added opnx24 ;DSK:ERRMES.MAC;3 5-Jun-80 16:59:10, Edit by FRENCH ;fix 2 line error message, not appropriate ;DSK:<134-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;2 16-Apr-80 16:03:35, Edit by RKNIGHT ; Added error codes for TYMOP...brings us up to date. ;<134-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;5 25-AUG-78 16:00:00 EDIT BY GENE ;1 Clean-up. Added DSKCX1, GETX3, OPRFX1, OPRFX2, TFRKX3 and TMONX1. ;<133-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;4 27-FEB-76 09:28:13 EDIT BY UNTULIS ; Added SRI-AI TV and FIFOP errors. ;<134-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;5 30-OCT-75 12:59:01 EDIT BY CLEMENTS ; Corrected text for CRJOB errors. ;<134-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;3 16-JUN-75 13:14:52 EDIT BY CALVIN ; Added SACTX5 and GJFX38 codes. ;<133-TENEX>ERRMES.MAC;1 9-DEC-74 13:51:25 EDIT BY CALVIN ; Added more codes for account verifying JSYSs. ;ERRMES.MAC;3 3-DEC-74 11:19:53 EDIT BY PLUMMER ; GFACX1 and GFACX2 added. ;ERRMES.MAC;1 29-NOV-74 12:23:25 EDIT BY CALVIN ; Added strings for account verifying JSYSs. ;ERRMES.MAC;10 3-JUN-74 15:41:42 EDIT BY TOMLINSON ; Added GJFX37. ;ERRMES.MAC;9 9-MAY-74 08:31:46 EDIT BY TOMLINSON ; Added OPNX23. ;ERRMES.MAC;6 4-APR-74 12:46:56 EDIT BY TOMLINSON ;ERRMES.MAC;2 8-MAR-74 09:05:00 EDIT BY SHAPIRO ;ERRMES.MAC;1 17-NOV-72 0:12:53 EDIT BY CLEMENTS ;ERRMES.FAI;12 29-JUN-72 9:47:51 EDIT BY TOMLINSON SEARCH STENEX SALL TITLE ERRMES - System Error Messages ; Parameters. MAXERC==10000 ; Maximum number error codes allowed ; Start of program. START: JRST STORE ; Write error mnemonics to disk JRST LIST ; Debugging entry for listing error mnemonics ; STORE - Write error mnemonics on ERROR.MNEMONICS. STORE: MOVSI 1,(1B0+1B17) HRROI 2,[ASCIZ /ERROR.MNEMONICS/] GTJFN 0 ; Error! MOVE 2,[44B5+1B20] OPENF 0 ; Error! MOVNI 3,ESTRINGS-ERRTAB ; Output ERRTAB and STRINGS MOVE 2,[POINT 36,ERRTAB] SOUT CLOSF JFCL ; Ignore errors HALTF ; LIST - List the error mnemonic texts for testing purposes. ; LIST: RESET HRROI 1,[ASCIZ / Output file: /] ; Get output file name from tty PSOUT MOVSI 1,460003 MOVE 2,[100,,101] GTJFN JRST LIST ; Start over if failure MOVE 2,[70000,,100000] ; 7-bytes, write OPENF JRST LIST ; Start over if failure MOVE 16,1 ; Save JFN MOVSI 5,-MAXERC ; AOBJN word for the max nbr of error codes SETZ 15, ; Initialize ?? LOOP: MOVE 1,16 ; Get JFN SKIPN 10,NAMTAB(5) ; Empty entry? JRST BOT ; Yes, try next entry HLLZ 11,10 HRROI 2,[ASCIZ / /] SETZ 3, CAME 11,15 ; If ?? SOUT MOVE 15,11 MOVEI 11,0 ROTC 10,6 MOVEI 2,40(11) BOUT JUMPN 10,.-4 MOVEI 2,11 ; Tab BOUT MOVEI 3,10 MOVEI 2,600000(5) NOUT JFCL ; Ignore errors MOVEI 2,11 ; Tab BOUT MOVE 2,ERRTAB(5) IDIVI 2,5 MOVEI 10,ERRTAB(2) HRLI 10,440700 LLL: ILDB 2,10 ; Get next byte CAIN 2,100 ; If "@"? JRST EOL ; Yes, output CR/LF and try next entry BOUT ; No, output byte JRST LLL ; Get next byte ; EOL - Output CR/LF. EOL: MOVEI 2,15 ; CR BOUT MOVEI 2,12 ; LF BOUT BOT: AOBJN 5,LOOP ; For all ?? CLOSF ; Close file JFCL ; Ignore errors HALTF JRST .-1 ; Don't allow a continue ; Dump literals here. LIT ; X - Macro to make entries in ERRTAB and assemble strings. DEFINE X(N,S)< QQ==<.-ERRTAB>*5 YY==&37777 RELOC NAMTAB+YY SIXBIT /N/ ;; Error name string RELOC RELOC ERRTAB+YY QQ ;; ?? RELOC ASCII \S'@\ ;; Error text string > ; NAMTAB - Table of SIXBIT error mnemonics. NAMTAB: XLIST REPEAT MAXERC,<0> LIST ; ERRTAB - Dispatch table: points to string for each error code. ERRTAB: XLIST REPEAT MAXERC,<0> LIST ; STRINGS - Error message texts. ; ; (Error number symbols defined in STENEX.MAC.) STRINGS: X(LGINX1,LOGIN: Illeg account) X(LGINX2,LOGIN: Can't Log in under that directory number) X(LGINX3,LOGIN: NO ROOM in System) X(LGINX4,LOGIN: Password incorrect) X(LGINX5,LOGIN: Already Logged in) X(CRJBX1,CRJOB: Illegal parameter or option bits) X(CRJBX2,CRJOB: Illeg inst while starting new job) X(CRJBX3,CRJOB: Illeg account) X(CRJBX4,CRJOB: Terminal illegal or not assigned to you) X(CRJBX5,CRJOB: Illeg directory) X(CRJBX6,CRJOB: NO ROOM in system for new job) X(CRJBX7,CRJOB: Password incorrect) X(LOUTX1,Illegal attempt to LGOUT job) X(LOUTX2,LGOUT: No such job) X(CACTX1,CACCT: Illegal account) X(CACTX2,CACCT: Not logged in) X(EFCTX1,EFACT: LOG Spec Cap not enabled) X(EFCTX2,EFACT: Entry longer than 64 words) X(EFCTX3,) X(GJFX1,GTJFN: Desired "JFN" illeg) X(GJFX2,GTJFN: Desired JFN not available) X(GJFX3,GTJFN: No JFN's available) X(GJFX4,GTJFN: Illeg char) X(GJFX5,GTJFN: More than 39 chars in a field) X(GJFX6,GTJFN: Two device fields or device not first) X(GJFX7,GTJFN: Two directory fields or directory after name) X(GJFX8,GTJFN: No "<" before ">") X(GJFX9,GTJFN: More than 1 name field) X(GJFX10,GTJFN: Non-numeric version) X(GJFX11,GTJFN: Two version fields) X(GJFX12,GTJFN: Two accounts) X(GJFX13,GTJFN: Two protections) X(GJFX14,GTJFN: Bad protection) X(GJFX15,GTJFN: Illeg confirmation char) X(GJFX16,GTJFN: No such device) X(GJFX17,GTJFN: No such directory) X(GJFX18,GTJFN: No such file name) X(GJFX19,GTJFN: No such extension) X(GJFX20,GTJFN: No such version) X(GJFX21,) X(GJFX22,GTJFN: JSB full) X(GJFX23,GTJFN: Directory full) X(GJFX24,GTJFN: Old file required) X(GJFX25,GTJFN: Name given for non-directory device) X(GJFX26,GTJFN: Extension for non-directory device) X(GJFX27,GTJFN: New file required) X(GJFX28,GTJFN: Device not mounted) X(GJFX29,GTJFN: Device not available) X(GJFX30,GTJFN: Numeric account required) X(GJFX31,GTJFN: Illeg "*") X(GJFX32,GTJFN: Empty directory and "*" given for name) X(GJFX33,GTJFN: Null name not allowed) X(GJFX34,GTJFN: ? was typed) X(GJFX35,GTJFN: Access to directory not allowed) X(GJFX36,GTJFN: Directory has bad format -- notify operator) X(GJFX37,GTJFN: Illeg version number) X(GJFX38,) X(OPNX1,OPENF or RNAMF: File open) X(OPNX2,OPENF: File doesn't exist) X(OPNX3,OPENF: Read access not allowed) X(OPNX4,OPENF: Write access not allowed) X(OPNX5,OPENF: Execute access not allowed) X(OPNX6,OPENF: Append access not allowed) X(OPNX7,OPENF: Device assigned to another job) X(OPNX8,OPENF: Device not mounted) X(OPNX9,OPENF: File busy) X(OPNX10,OPENF: NO ROOM) X(OPNX11,OPENF: WHEEL or OPER spec cap needed to not change dates) X(OPNX12,OPENF: List access not allowed) X(OPNX13,OPENF: Illeg access) X(OPNX14,OPENF: Illeg mode) X(OPNX15,OPENF: Non read/write access not allowed) X(OPNX16,OPENF: File has bad index block) X(OPNX17,OPENF: No room for long file page table table) X(OPNX18,OPENF: No room to initialize index block) X(OPNX19,OPENF: IMP is not up) X(OPNX20,OPENF: Host is not up) X(OPNX21,OPENF: Connection refused) X(OPNX22,OPENF: Connection byte size mismatch) X(OPNX23,OPENF: Directory access does not permit opening files) X(OPNX24,) X(DESX1,Illeg TENEX source/destination designator) X(DESX2,That terminal not available) X(DESX3,Unassigned JFN) X(DESX4,Illeg use of terminal designator or string pointer) X(DESX5,File not open) X(DESX6,File must be a TTY) X(DESX7,JFN must not refer to output asterisks) X(DESX8,File must be on a disk) X(CLSX1,CLOSF: File not open) X(CLSX2,CLOSF: File not closable by this fork) X(RJFNX1,RLJFN: File is open) X(RJFNX2,RLJFN: JFN being used to accumulate file name) X(RJFNX3,RLJFN: JFN not accessible to this fork) X(DELFX1,DELF: You don't have delete access to file) X(SFPTX1,SFPTR: File not open) X(SFPTX2,SFPTR: Illeg to set this file's pointer) X(SFPTX3,) X(CNDIX1,) X(CNDIX2,CNDIR: Incorrect password) X(CNDIX3,CNDIR: Invalid directory #) X(CNDIX4,CNDIR: Can't check password when logged in) X(CNDIX5,CNDIR: Not logged in) X(CNDIX6,CNDIR: Proxy connect not permitted except by top fork of group) X(SFBSX1,SFBSZ: Can't change byte size for this opening of file) X(SFBSX2,OPENF or SFBSZ: Illeg byte size) X(IOX1,Reading from a file not open for reading) X(IOX2,Writing on a file not open for writing) X(IOX3,RIN or ROUT: Can't change pointer for this opening of file) X(IOX4,Reading beyond end of file) X(IOX5,Data error) X(IOX6,Attempt to write beyond absolute maximum end of a file) X(PMAPX1,PMAP: Illeg access request) X(PMAPX2,PMAP: Illeg case) X(SPACX1,SPACS: Illeg access request) X(FRKHX1,Illeg fork handle) X(FRKHX2,Attempt to manipulate a superior fork) X(FRKHX3,Illeg attempt to manipulate multiple forks) X(FRKHX4,Fork running) X(FRKHX5,) X(FRKHX6,CFORK: Fork handles used up) X(FRKHX7,LGOUT: Not permitted except by fork in top fork group of a job) X(SPLFX1,SPLFK: Attempt to manipulate superior fork) X(SPLFX2,SPLFK: Attempt to splice with a non-inferior fork) X(SPLFX3,SPLFK: Attempt to splice forks into a loop) X(SPLFX4,SPLFK: Object forks have different JSYS trap monitors) X(GTABX1,GETAB: Illeg table index) X(GTABX2,GETAB: Illeg table #) X(GTABX3,GETAB: Capability not enabled) X(RUNTX1,RUNTM: Fork handle -3 or -4 given) X(STADX1,STAD: Date & time already set and not WHEEL or OPER) X(STADX2,STAD: Ridiculous date or time) X(ASNDX1,ASND: Unassignable device) X(ASNDX2,ASND: Illeg to assign this device) X(ASNDX3,ASND or CSYNO: No such device) X(CSYNX1,CSYNO: Synonym already in use) X(ATACX1,ATACH: Illeg job #) X(ATACX2,ATACH: Job already attached) X(ATACX3,ATACH: Directory # does not match) X(ATACX4,ATACH: Password Incorrect) X(ATACX5,ATACH: No controlling terminal) X(DCHRX1,DVCHR: Illeg device designator) X(STDVX1,STDEV: No such device) X(DEVX1,Illeg device designator) X(DEVX2,Device assigned to another job) X(DEVX3,Device not mounted) X(MNTX1,MOUNT: Bad directory) X(MNTX2,MOUNT: Attempt to mount device unsuccessful) X(MNTX3,MOUNT: Unmountable device) X(TERMX1,ATI or DTI: That code not usable for PSI's) X(TLNKX1,TLINK: Must do object to remote before remote to object link) X(TLNKX2,TLINK: Link refused) X(TLNKX3,TLINK: All links in use) X(ATIX1,ATI: Illeg channel #) X(ATIX2,ATI: Spec cap required to assign ^C) X(DTIX1,DTI: That code wasn't assigned to you) X(TTYX1,STI: Not a terminal or no such terminal) X(CFRKX2,CFORK: Can't start fork with no pages) X(CFRKX3,CFORK: NO ROOM in System) X(KFRKX1,KFORK: Can't kill top level fork) X(KFRKX2,KFORK: Can't kill self) X(RFRKX1,) X(GFRKX1,GFRKS: Illeg fork handle in 2) X(GETX1,GET: Bad save file format) X(GETX2,GET: System's Special Pages Table full) X(GETX3,GET: File not properly opened) ;1 X(OPRFX1,OPRFN: Unknown function) ;1 X(OPRFX2,OPRFN: Bad argument) ;1 X(OPRFX3,OPRFN: Failed to queue bat block entry for job 0) X(TFRKX1,TFORK: Unknown function bits) X(TFRKX2,TFORK: Unassigned fork handle or not immediate inferior) X(SFRVX1,SFRKV: Illeg entry vector relative position) X(NOUTX1,NOUT: Radix out of range 2 to 36) X(NOUTX2,NOUT: Column overflow) X(IFIXX1,NIN: Radix out of range 2 to 36) X(IFIXX2,NIN: First character not a digit) X(IFIXX3,NIN: Overflow) X(ADVX1,ADVIZ: Advice not accepted) X(ADVX2,ADVIZ: This error code is not currently used) X(ADVX3,ADVIZ: Attempt to simultaneously advise and accept advice) X(ADVX4,ADVIZ: ADVIZ already in progress) X(GFDBX1,GTFDB: Illeg displacement) X(GFDBX2,GTFDB: Illeg number of words) X(GFDBX3,GTFDB: You don't have list access to file) X(CFDBX1,CHFDB: Illeg displacement) X(CFDBX2,CHFDB: Illeg to change those bits) X(CFDBX3,CHFDB: You don't have spec cap or file access to change those bits) X(CFDBX4,CHFDB: Illeg value for those bits) X(DUMPX1,DUMPI/O: Command list error) X(DUMPX2,DUMPI/O: JFN wasn't opened in mode 17) X(DUMPX3,DUMPI/O: Address too big or crosses end of memory) X(DUMPX4,DUMPI/O: Memory access error) X(RNAMX1,RNAMF: Files not on same device) X(RNAMX2,RNAMF: Destination file disappeared) X(RNAMX3,RNAMF: Access to destination not allowed) X(RNAMX4,RNAMF: NO ROOM) X(RNAMX5,RNAMF: Destination busy) X(RNAMX6,RNAMF: Destination has bad page table) X(RNAMX7,RNAMF: Source disappeared) X(RNAMX8,RNAMF: Access to source not allowed) X(RNAMX9,RNAMF: Source is empty) X(RNMX10,RNAMF: Source busy) X(RNMX11,RNAMF: Source has bad page table) X(RNMX12,RNAMF: Rename to self) X(RNMX13,) X(BKJFX1,Can't BKJFN that device twice) X(TIMEX1,Time greater than 24 hours) X(ZONEX1,Time zone out of range -12 to 12) X(ODTNX1,ODTIM can't print time zones except USA and Greenwich) X(DILFX1,Illeg date format) X(TILFX1,Illeg time format) X(DATEX1,Year out of range 1858 to 2576) X(DATEX2,Month greater than 11) X(DATEX3,Day of month too large) X(DATEX4,Day of week greater than 6) X(DATEX5,Date out of legal range) X(DATEX6,System date and time not set) X(TMONX1,TMON: LOG spec cap not enabled) ;1 X(SMONX1,SMON: LOG spec cap not enabled) X(CPRTX1,CPRTF: You don't have access to file to change protection) X(SACTX1,SACTF: File not on multiple-directory device) X(SACTX2,SACTF: JSB full) X(SACTX3,SACTF: Directory requires numeric account) X(SACTX4,SACTF: You don't have access to file to change account) X(SACTX5,) X(GACTX1,GACTF: File not on multiple-directory device) X(GACTX2,GACTF: File doesn't exist) X(FFUFX1,FFUFP: File not open) X(FFUFX2,FFUFP: File not on multiple-directory device) X(FFUFX3,FFUFP: No used page found) X(DSMX1,) X(RDDIX1,RDDIR: Failure) X(SIRX1,SIR: Table address less than 20) X(SSAVX1,SSAVE: File not on disk) X(SSAVX2,SSAVE: Page count greater than 1000) X(SEVEX1,SEVEC: Entry vector longer than 777) X(WHELX1,WHEEL or OPER spec cap not enabled) X(CAPX1,) X(CAPX2,CTY spec cap required) X(PEEKX1,PEEK: Block crosses page boundary) X(PEEKX2,PEEK: Read access not allowed) X(CRDIX1,CRDIR: WHEEL or OPER spec cap not enabled) X(CRDIX2,CRDIR: Wrong directory # for name) X(CRDIX3,CRDIR: JSB full) X(CRDIX4,CRDIR: Sub-index full) X(CRDIX5,CRDIR: Null name illeg) X(CRDIX6,CRDIR: Can't change # of old directory) X(CRDIX7,CRDIR: Can't kill directory with busy files) X(GTDIX1,GTDIR: WHEEL or OPER spec cap not enabled) X(GTDIX2,GTDIR: No such directory #) X(FLINX1,FLIN: First char not blank or numeric) X(FLINX2,FLIN: Number too small) X(FLINX3,FLIN: Number too large) X(FLINX4,FLIN: Bad format) X(FLOTX1,FLOUT: Field overflow before or after point) X(FLOTX2,FLOUT: Exponent field overflow) X(FLOTX3,FLOUT: Illeg format spec) X(FDFRX1,FDFRE: Not a multiple directory device) X(FDFRX2,FDFRE: No such directory #) X(ATPX1,ATPTY: Bad rec'v JFN) X(ATPX2,ATPTY: Rec'v JFN not read) X(ATPX3,ATPTY: Rec'v JFN not open) X(ATPX4,ATPTY: Rec'v JFN not net) X(ATPX5,ATPTY: Rec'v JFN not unused) X(ATPX6,ATPTY: Rec'v connection refused) X(ATPX7,ATPTY: Send JFN Bad) X(ATPX8,ATPTY: Send JFN not write) X(ATPX9,ATPTY: Send JFN not open) X(ATPX10,ATPTY: Send JFN not net) X(ATPX11,ATPTY: Send JFN not unused) X(ATPX12,ATPTY: Send connection refused) X(ATPX13,ATPTY: No NVTs) X(CVSKX1,CVSKT: Bad JFN) X(CVSKX2,CVSKT: Local socket illeg in this context) X(DPX1,DISPLAY JSYS: Unassigned display process) X(DPX2,DISPLAY JSYS: Illeg display process number) X(STRDX1,) X(STRDX2,) X(STRDX3,) X(SQX1,Special IMP Q number out of range) X(SQX2,Special IMP Q not assigned to this job) X(ASNSX1,ASNSQ: All special queues in use) X(ASNSX2,ASNSQ: Link(s) assigned to another special queue) X(SNDIX1,SNDIM: Bad message size) X(SNDIX2,SNDIM: No buffers available) X(SNDIX3,) X(SNDIX4,SNDIM: Header value not permitted on this queue) X(SNDIX5,SNDIM: IMP down) X(ILINS1,Illeg instruction executed) X(ILINS2,Unassigned JSYS executed) X(ILINS3,10/50 UUO executed and compatability package not found) X(NTWZX1,NETWIZ spec cap required) X(SCTX1,SCTTY: Undefined function bits) X(SCTX2,SCTTY: TTY already in use as controlling TTY) X(SCTX3,SCTTY: Attempt to set job controlling TTY as fork controlling TTY) X(PIEX1,) X(VACX1,) X(VACX2,) X(GBERR1,) X(GDACX1,) X(GDACX2,) X(CGRPX1,) X(ACCTX1,) X(ATGPX1,ATGRP: Invalid account or no group for this acount) X(GCTJX1,) X(GCTJX2,) X(GNJFX2,GNJFN: No such version) X(GFACX1,) X(GFACX2,Illegal protection word) X(TFRKX3,TFORK: Fork not frozen) ;1 X(TYMXX1,Aux circuit building mechanism busy) X(tymxx2,Aux circuit building mechanism timed out) X(tymxx3,No free lines available) X(tymxx4,Line myteriously zapped prematurely) X(tymxx5,Supervisor reports error) X(tymxx6,Illegal receive bits request) X(tymxx7,Illegal TYMOP function code) X(tymxx8,Illegal TYMNET TTY) X(tymxx9,Job does not own TTY) X(tymx10,Insufficient capabilities) X(tymx11,Illegal job number) X(tymx12,Illegal SYSNDX) X(tymx13,SYSNDX slot already occupied) X(tymx14,SYSNDX slot not currently occupied) X(tymx15,Illegal aux TTY or in bad state) X(tymx16,Aux TTY not queued by job) X(tymx17,No jobs queued) X(tymx18,Bad aux circuit function specified) ESTRINGS: ; End of error strings END 2,,START